Saturday, February 27, 2010

Websites with great resources

I'm working on so many posts right now and it just seems like I never have the time to finish them. I over think everything before I actually publish the post so it takes me so much time to get them out. I'm working on the post of strategies we're trying with Faith that has been working really well and I will get that one posted as quickly as I can. Here is a list of website I've been using to get helpful information on high sensitivity for kids and adults:

Raising Smart Girls
I got a few of these site from Raising Smart Girls and it's a lot more organized on her site. For a more expansive list, especially on giftedness, check out her site. These are the ones I usually refer to.
Mika Gustavson, MFT ¦ Adult, Child and Family Therapy
High Sensitivity
Dr. Ted Zeff
The Highly Sensitive Person Publishing Company
Jenna Avery's Art of Sensitive Living Community Forum Children
Hoagie's Gifted Education Page Raising a Sensitive Child Parenting a Highly Sensitive Child
Sensory Processing Disorder private or public school for the highly sensitive child?

They are not in any order.

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