Friday, April 8, 2011

Masters in Education with emphasis on Gifted Education

It's been a long time since I've blogged. I always have the intention of doing it, but my follow through doesn't always follow through. Once again, I should be sleeping, but instead I'm sitting here typing in hopes of getting my thoughts down and quieting my mind to go to bed. I haven't had the opportunity to follow any of my blogs and decided to tonight because I tried going down with Faith at midnight, but was unsuccessful. I took some Excedrin Migrane around 7 to get rid of my Migrane and forgot how much caffine is in those pills. My heart was racing and that nervous shaky feeling kept my exhausted body up. I logged on Raising Smart Girls to and clicked on "Gifted Families" and found Life Among the Gifted. I was reading Melanie's bio and all of a sudden got the urge to look up masters program in education with the emphasis on gifted education.

When I quit teaching and decided to stay home with Faith, I always knew I wanted to go back for my masters one day. I just didn't know what I wanted my emphasis to be on. Now, it feels so clear that I should go back to learn more about Gifted Education. I remember only briefly reading and discussing gifted education when I got my credential. Just like most of the teaching population, our focus as teacher, was to help the struggling students and move them up. Why would the gifted students, need any support, they are already "smart!" Now having a gifted kid myself, I definitely understand that not only do the gifted child needs the support, but the whole family needs the support.

I would love to learn more on how the gifted minds work. Along the way, I hope to pick up strategies and shine some light on how my highly sensitive faith.

I requested some information from some online programs. We'll see what becomes of this quest. I still need to talk to husband about it.

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